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Color Symbolism

  1. RED for ENERGY (Root Chakra) - If you are feeling run down, fatigued, burnt out, lazy or lethargic, red foods such as tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries will help to boost your energy levels and body temperature. Also: Red Peppers, Red Grapes

  2. ORANGE for CONFIDENCE & SELF-WORTH (Creativity Chakra) - If you are low on confidence, doubting yourself or feeling unworthy of love, get yourself some oranges and do it fast! Things like mandarins, mangoes, carrots, squash, pumpkin and yams will all make a big impact on your feelings. Also: Orange Pepper, Orange Cherry Tomatoes

  3. YELLOW for JOY (Solar Plexus Chakra) - If you are feeling depressed, sad or emotional, hook yourself up with some bananas, sweet corn on the cob, some fresh pineapple or some yellow peppers and watch how your mood changes. Yellow is a natural mood enhancer, so make yourself something bright! Also: Yellow Cherry Tomatoes, Chickpeas

  4. GREEN for REJUVENATION (Heart Chakra) - Feeling low on vital energy? Are you stressed? Overworked? Experiencing adrenal fatigue, acidity or toxicity? Then green is the color for you! Throw your favorite organic greens in to a juicer or make a gigantic salad and feel what happens to your feelings of stress. Likely they will melt away due to the live enzymes, oxygen and chlorophyll. Also: Green Grapes, Green Pepper, Spinach, Celery, Avocado

  5. BLUE/BLACK for CALMING (Throat Chakra) - Experiencing anxiety? Enjoy a bowl of blueberries or blackberries. Blue and black foods help to clean out the kidneys and help to elicit honest communication. Also: Black Olives, Black Beans

  6. VIOLET for PEACE (Third-Eye Chakra) - These foods will help to calm your energy and bring you peace if you are feeling frustrated, angry or unable to forgive. Foods like eggplant, purple kale, concord grapes, purple carrots, will help to bring you peace and calm! Also:  Purple Cabbage, Dried Cranberries

  7. WHITE for STRENGTH (Crown Chakra) - Things like mushrooms, garlic, ginger, onion, lychee, coconut and other tropical fruits help to give you strength and power. If you are feeling defeated or down on yourself then enjoy some white foods and experience a surge in your own inner strength. Other Ideas: Feta Cheese, Radish